i can not react

Component Composition

May 30, 2019

This article is written by fosteman

Component Composition

Whenever a UI component is intended to render children nested within, props.children are expanded using JSX

For Example:

const Bar = props => (
    <div className={'ui items ' + props.color}>

This lets parent components pass children between tags:

const NavigationBar = () => (
    <Bar color="gray">
        <div className="item">
        <div className="item">

Text contents of <Bar> JSX tag are interpolated into Bar component via children prop.

Note, that React elements like <Bar /> and <NavigationBar /> are not dissimilar to that of <div />, since JSX makes React work with elements as with objects.

Why Not Component Inheritance?

Creation of component inheritance hierarchies may find it’s use in reusable non-UI components, however, a functional component is better off extracted into JavaScript module.